Rabena, Glen

Glen Rabena, born in Wapato, WA was adopted into the Eagle Clan by Hereditary Haida Chief, Claude Davidson, at a potlatch in Massett, Haida Gwai (formerly Queen Charlotte Island) in 1987. In 1986-87 Glen worked with Claude's sons Robert and his brother Reg Davidson, both acclaimed artists. Projects included various private commissions and the three totem poles at Pepsico's World Headquarters in Purchase NY, USA. Glen helped Reg carve the first pole in modern time to be raised at a potlatch for the naming of a chief. During the fall of 1990, Glen Rabena and Reg Davidson were Artists in Residence at Headlands Centre for the Arts in San Francisco, where together, they carved a thirty foot canoe.

Glen lives with his wife and family on Hornby Island, B. C. and spends most of his time carving wooden masks, boxes, and bowls for private collections and galleries. He has been commissioned to produce ceremonial objects to be used and given away at potlatches.


Haida Totem Pole, Glen Rabena, 1976

Haida Totem Pole, Glen Rabena, 1976

Haida Model Totem Pole by Glen Rabena


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Haida Feast Bowl by Glen Rabena

Haida Feast Bowl by Glen Rabena

Haida Feast Bowl by Glen Rabena


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Portrait Mask by Glen Rabena - SOLD

Portrait Mask by Glen Rabena - SOLD

Portrait Mask by Glen Rabena, Haida art at it's best


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