Seaweed - Wisden, Agnes

Seaweed - Wisden, Agnes

Agnes Seaweed Wisden is a multidisciplinary Kwakwaka’wakw artist and entrepreneur based in Victoria B.C. She is a graduate of Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and has worked alongside internationally acclaimed indigenous artists such as Alano Edzerza, the late Chief Beau Dick, and Luke Parnell. Agnes currently works mostly with silver engraving, and is apprenticing with her father Norman Seaweed, and her Uncles Alfred and Paddy Seaweed. 

Agnes was born in 1987, and raised in her traditional Kwakwaka’wakw territory in Alert Bay B.C. Agnes comes from a family of carvers and artists from both lineages, and was always encouraged to pursue her gifts from an early age.
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