5 ft. large Sisiutl (Sea Serpent) by Gene Brabant

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Brabant, Gene
- Type: Wall panels and wall plaques
Note: Price shown below is CAD
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Sisiutl - Sea Serpent - by Gene Brabant (please read the artists biography provided below, it's very interesting!!!)
Wow - this piece is absolutely beautiful. The carving is deep, detailed, clean lines, the painting is traditional and just precise and powerful. The expression is just like it's suppose to be. It's made and prepared for wall hanging, carved in the front, signed and dated at the back - hanger already attached.
Meaning: The Sisiutl is a symbol for healing power and magic. It's closely associated with war and strength, the Sisiutl is known to be invulnerable and to provide protection from harm. The Sisiutl is one of the most powerful crests, and mythological creatures in the mythology of the Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuu-chah-nulth and various other Tribes and figures prominently in their art, dances and songs. Sisiutl is the god of warrior invincibility, a magic war-canoe that can go underground and guardian of the house of the sky people. Sisiutl are frequently depicted as a two headed sea serpent or snake with a human-like head in the middle of the body.
Measurements: 5 ft (60") x 9" x 1" (153 x 23 x 2.5 cm)
It's vintage (dated 1972) but in excellent condition considering it's age, but it has one minor restoration on one of the serpents nose (not visible from front) and 2 tiny dents, shown in pictures)