1/2" Raven and Whale copper cuff bracelet by Paddy Seaweed

1/2" Raven and Whale copper cuff bracelet by Paddy Seaweed

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Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous piece of jewelry 

1/2" thick Raven with Whale copper cuff bracelet

by master jeweler Paddy Seaweed from the Kwakiulth (Kwakwaka'wakw) First Nation on Vancouver Island. Every time I meet Paddy, it's just so much fun and he always presents such fabulous pieces, he just never disappoints!

Really wonderful cuff bracelet, copper, so detailed, so powerful and the carving lines, just clearly made by a master of this art with many many years of experience. Polished and monogramed by Paddy on the inside. 

Measurements: 6 1/2" circumference, 1/2" thick

Meaning: The Raven is known to be the transformer, trickster and creator. In the Kwakwaka'wakw culture the Raven is known as the messenger of the sky and famous for being a somewhat mischievous glutton. He's always out to please himself and to have a good time. He's very adventurous.

Note: USD amounts based on Bank of Canada average exchange rate, updated weekly, Invoice in CAD, overseas shipping costs $19 CAD added at check-out

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$159.00 CDN

$113.61 USD

About This Artist

Patrick (Paddy) Seaweed is a member of the Kwakwakaw 'wakw First Nation, originating from Alert Bay, British Columbia, Canada. His mother’s family is from the Village Island and his father’s family is from Turnour Island. Paddy...Artist bio and other available works »

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