Raven and Eagle paddle by Jackson Robertson

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Robertson, Jackson
- Type: Paddles
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Fully hand carved, hand painted, designed and signed
Eagle and Raven design Paddle by First Nation artist Jackson Robertson from Kingcome Inlet, BC from the Kwakiulth/Tsawataineuk
Fantastic carving, so deep, so detailed, typical and easy recognizable as one of Jackson's pieces of Art. It show's the eagle, and two ravens. The eyes are inlaid with Abalone, signed at the back with carved initials. Carved in front, made for wall hanging.
Measurements: 47 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 1" (121 cm x 14 cm x 2.5 cm)
Meaning: Eagles mate for life and are therefore also seen as a symbol of lasting love and dedication. It is told that the Eagle end their own life in despair when the mate is lost. Eagle feathers are used in the most important ceremonies, a display of respect, courage, Chieftainship and wisdom. The Raven is known to be the transformer, trickster and creator. In the Kwakwaka'wakw culture the Raven is known as the messenger of the sky and famous for being a somewhat mischievous glutton. He's always out to please himself and to have a good time. He's very adventurous.
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