Dzunukwa Twin Spirit Mask by Kolten Khasalus Grant

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Grant, Kolten Khasalus
- Type: Mask
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What a treat....Absolutely amazing piece of Art by master artist Kolten Khasalus Grant, originating from the Capilano Reserve in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. His detailed biography is provided below.
Title: TWIN DZUNUKWA SPIRIT Mask, dated 2022
How unique, absolutely incredible craftsmanship and just mesmerizing expression, haunting, very powerful and rich. The white horse hair (which is braided as well) adorning the face is truly accentuating the ghost-like but yet absolutely gorgeous face. Please have a look at the eyes, they just look right through you. Beautiful piece of cedar. Even the ears are fully carved. The white paint on the natural color of the wood gives it just the perfect accent.
Measurements: ca 8 1/2" x 7 1/2" x 7", total height incl. horse hair 25"
Meaning: Dzunukwa is a figure in Kwakwaka'wakw mythology. She is an ancestor of the Namgis clan through her son, Tsilwalagame. She is venerated as a bringer of wealth, but is also greatly feared by children, because she is also known as an ogress who steals children and carries them home in her basket to eat. Fortunately she is not the brightest so children are usually able to escape from her basket. It is often told to children that the sound of the wind blowing through the cedar trees is actually the call of Dzunuḵ̓wa
Notes: some natural imperfections in the wood, I have provided close-up image; USD amounts based on Bank of Canada average exchange rate, updated weekly, invoice in CAD, overseas shipping is available, costs ($45 CAD) added at check-out