Jumping Killer Whale, cedar round by Hereditary Chief Peter Smith - SOLD

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Smith, Peter
- Type: Wall panels and wall plaques
this piece is sold
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Beautiful piece of Indigenous Art - Superb quality
Jumping Killer Whale, by Peter Smith, a member of the Kwakiulth First Nation, originating from Gilford Island. Peter is very passionate about his culture and traditions and is proud to say that he has Hereditary Chief standing passed on to him from his father, the late Chief Charles Smith.
Fully hand carved, hand painted, cedar. Peter's works are easy recognizable due to his mixture of traditional and contemporary as well as his attention to detail, clearly showing his 25+ years of experience. The carving lines are superb, the painting traditional yet vibrant.
Made and prepared for wall hanging, hanger already attached, signed by the artist at the back.
Measurements: 12" diameter, 1" thick
Meaning: The killer whale is a symbol for romance and harmony as Whales mate for life. The Whale is very family oriented and known to travel in large groups, never to be alone. They symbolize great luck and happiness, community and protection. They are a known to always be working together, take care of each other and to always help and protect each other.
Note: USD amounts estimated based on Bank of Canada average exchange rate, updated weekly, Invoice in CAD, overseas shipping costs $45 CAD added at check-out
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