Owl mask by Kevin Cranmer - SOLD

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Cranmer, Kevin
- Type: Mask
This piece is no longer available - sold
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Beautiful piece of Art by world wide known master artist Kevin Cranmer from Alert Bay, BC's Pacific Northwest, please read his biography provided below, it's quite interesting!!
OWL Mask
Fully hand carved, hand painted, beautiful cedar, decorated with feathers, horse hair and bark. Beautiful expression, clean painting, the "wings" are mounted with leather strings, no screws or nails used. This is an earlier piece by Kevin, it's in excellent condition. It's very difficult to get one's hand on any of Kevin's masks. He's mainly creating pieces for his family and for use in ceremonies, also working on large projects, exhibitions and Totem poles.
Measurements: 21" x 10" x 6" (53.5 x 25 x 15 cm)
Meaning: The Owl is associated with the souls of the ancestors and are viewed with high respect. They symbolize wisdom and sacred knowledge. Very special and important to the First Nations, Indigenous peoples of North America.