Wild Man and Raven with 13 inlays, by Silas Coon

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Coon, Silas
- Type: Wall panels and wall plaques
...as always, FREE shipping to US and Canada
Another fantastic piece by Silas Coon, a member of the Kwakiulth First Nations, taught by George Hunt Jr. and Silas Cousin Beau Dick.
Large and fully hand carved and hand painted WILD MAN (Bukwus) carrying RAVEN
Silas is part of a very elite group of First Nations artists, specialized in Tribal miniatures and wall art carvings - he just pays tremendous attention to details. This masterpiece is inlaid with 13 pieces of Abalone - and I mean, inlaid, not glued on top, that is so much work.
The carving lines are exceptionally detailed and clean, cut-out beautiful, the copper painting on top of the dark stain is amazing - and still showing the natural grain of the wood. All fully hand made, carved, painted and designed. Made and prepared for wall hanging, signed at the back, hanger attached. This piece really makes every room and is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Measurements: 25" x 7" x 1"
Note: no overseas shipping available.
Meaning: The Bukwus (Wild Man) is a supernatural ghost like figure, also known as the Wild Man of the Woods. The Bukwus was a significant character for the Kwakiutl people. Bukwus is sometimes mistakenly identified with the Salishan Sasquatch. Bukwus And Bigfoot: There has been much confusion about Bukwus being another name for Bigfoot. Bigfoot is also a spirit being to many Native American tribes but Bukwus is an undead being. Bukwus will turn other people into more Bukwus. Bigfoot doesn't do that. Both creatures are believed to be hairy. Some people insist to this day that Bukwus are gentle, shy, hairy "forest devils", indicating that Bukwus is indeed Bigfoot. I personally do not think Bukwus is Bigfoot, but I won't argue for or against and will just let people believe what they want to believe regarding such ;o)