Gorgeous Talking Stick by Jimmy Joseph

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Joseph, Jimmy
- Type: Sculpture
Note: All prices shown on this website are in Canadian Dollars..
What a beautiful piece of Art!!
TALKING STICK by the Kwakiulth First Nation Artist Jimmy Joseph
Excellent carving, so very detailed, vibrant and clean painting, powerful expression
showing the THUNDERBIRD above the CHIEF holding/breaking the COPPER
This piece is already preparted for wallhanging, hanger attached (as seen in a few of the pictures)
Measurements: 3 ft tall/36", 23" wingspan, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" pole (92 cm tall, 59 cm wingspan, 9 x 4 cm pole)