Livingston, John (1951 - 2019)

Livingston, John (1951 - 2019)

Gone way to soon! We will miss you, John! Thank you for being such a good friend!

Master carver John Livingston was born in Vancouver, on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia, Canada in 1951. Nation: adopted Kwakwaka'wakw. John started his career at the Royal British Columbia museum in 1965 under the tutelage of the late Henry Hunt and Henry's son Tony Hunt.

John learned Northwest Coast native design in the traditional Kwagiulth style, as well as tool techniques and hand skills. After graduating in 1968, John immersed himself full-time in Northwest Coast art as a career. He has worked on many large commissions with Henry Hunt Sr., Tony Hunt Sr., Calving Hunt, Tony Hunt Jr., Don Yeomans, Robert Davidson, Tim Paul and Art Thompson. During the following years, John participated in several large family potlatches. The Hunt family formally adopted him and names and privileges to a number of important Kwakwaka’wakw dances were given to him.

John was a not only a master wood carver and has worked on many large totem sculptures, he is also known for his fabulous, limited edition prints as well as for his expertise in the restoration and appraisal of native artifacts. His incredibly detailed and fine carvings earned him high regards as a teacher and mentor to young carvers. Due to his expertise he was also a consultant to the Royal British Columbia museum in Victoria on Vancouver Island.

Northern Kwagiulth Mourning Woman by late John Livingston

Northern Kwagiulth Mourning Woman by late John Livingston

Mourning Mask by late master artist John Livingston, Kwagiulth First Nation


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Chief of the Undersea Mask - by John Livingston

Chief of the Undersea Mask - by John Livingston

Chief of the Undersea Mask by late John Livingston


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Codfish Mask by John Livingston

Codfish Mask by John Livingston

John Livingston, Codfish Mask


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Hamatsa Whistle, by John Livingston

Hamatsa Whistle, by John Livingston

Hamatsa Whistle by John Livingston


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Sisiutl by John Livingston, 1971, 68" !!! - SOLD

Sisiutl by John Livingston, 1971, 68" !!! - SOLD

68" Sisiutl by John Livingston


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Salmon Drum by Bob Virgil, painted by John Livingston

Salmon Drum by Bob Virgil, painted by John Livingston

Salmon Drum hand crafted by Bob Virgil, hand painted by John Livingston, Kwakiulth First Nation


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Portrait Mask by John Livingston - SOLD

Portrait Mask by John Livingston - SOLD

Portrait Mask by Master Artist John Livingston


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Eagle Moon Mask by master artist John Livingston

Eagle Moon Mask by master artist John Livingston

Eagle Moon Mask by Master artist John Livingston - sorely missed


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