Spectacular Wolf paddle by artist Walawidi - Tom D. Hunt

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Hunt, Tom D. (Walawidi)
- Type: Paddles
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Incredible piece of Indigenous Art!!!
Kwakiulth WOLF PADDLE - designed, hand carved and hand painted by the Kwakwakaw'wakw First Nation carver Walawidi, TOM D. HUNT
This is a fantastic example of true Indigenous art - Superb quality craftsmanship, VERY powerful and at the same time elegant and rich expression. This kind of quality is truly hard to match - The carving lines are so deep and close to perfection, the painting just as perfectly executed - the choice of colors proves Tom's eye for design - it just works and is incredibly beautiful.
The paddle is carved in front, signed at the back. The back shows the gorgeous yellow cedar Tom used. Just a master piece, all around and a Highlight for any collection.
Meaning: The Wolf represents loyalty, strong family ties, good communication, education, understanding and intelligence. Of all land animals, the Wolf has the strongest supernatural powers and is the most accomplished hunter. The Wolf is a very social and communicative creature; he uses body movement, touch and sound
Measurements: 5.6 ft. / 66 inch long, 8" wide - solid yellow cedar
Note: sorry, no overseas shipping available