Otter Woman portrait mask by Stephen Bruce

- Nation: Kwakwaka' wakw art, Kwakiutl art, native artists Vancouver Island
- Artist: Bruce, Stephen
- Type: Mask
As always, FREE shipping to US/Canada
Large, very powerful piece of Indigenous Art. Fantastic craftsmanship! Aren't the eyes mesmerizing?
Otter Woman Mask by Stephen Bruce, a member of the Kwakwaka´wakw Nation, born in Alert Bay, BC.
The mask is fully hand carved out of red cedar, hand painted in vibrant green, red and black and adorned with black horse hair which truly adds to the powerful expression. Stephen loves to carve the otter woman, he was inspired by the many times he carved together with, and learned from the late Kwakwaka´wakw Master Carver Beau Dick. If you have a look at Beau Dick's otter woman, you can clearly see the similarities.
Measurements: 14" tall ! 12" wide, 7" deep, not including the hair!!! (36 x 31 x 18 cm)
Meaning: The Otter is the most powerful of all guardian spirits. People believe that Land Otters were originally human, and so possess all the knowledge and power of both species. Otter Woman has the ability to navigate between the realms of the spirit world and the human world.
She can successfully deceive those who find themselves in her presence. A person may believe that they are speaking to a friend or relative, only to find themselves immersed in the spirit world, slowly transforming into an Otter themselves. Given all of these powers and attributes, Otter Woman is considered a strong shamanic figure.
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